Information and How to Contact Us

about 3 Barrels Media

Leo Burton is an award-winning filmmaker based in London.

As an avid junior filmmaker he studied Film & Video Production at university. He subsequently worked briefly in advertising as a copywriter before pursuing his passion to be involved with filmmaking.

Leo began working at Jim Henson’s Creature Shop where he produced behind-the-scenes videos for most of the clients there.

His first short film, ‘Short/Film’, was picked up for distribution and was published in the educational curriculum ‘Looking at Movies’ as an original, inspirational piece.

He won a number of awards for his next short film ‘The Duel At Blood Creek’ as well as for the experimental short film ‘Paul’s Meditation’, all of which have screened at Film Festivals all over the world.

Our Rates

We understand that cost is a major factor when it comes to video production and we know how to deliver very high quality videos at an affordable price.

Each job will have it’s own requirements, that’s why we can tailor our prices to suit you.

Reduced rates are also available for any work under 5 hours (Half days). Please get in touch to ask about our competitive pricing.

Call us on 0870 850 5675 or 07739 698218. You can also send an email to or use this form.

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